Thursday, September 1, 2011

Young Blood

 I taught the kids across the street how to start my motorcycle. At least if I come home and its not there I know which door to knock on...


 2002 Harley-Davidson Sportster 1200

This is my first bike! I got it a few months ago off a friend for $3600.. which is a pretty good deal, especially in the supply and demand economy of Kuwait. Not many Sportys roaming these streets.. Easy to learn on, fun to ride and runs great, couldn't have asked for a better deal! But riding in Kuwait sucks because all these punk teenagers try to run you off the road. I swear I nearly get into a fight every time I ride (which isn't often). But as soon as I stop, put my kickstand down and take my helmet off they peel out and take off. Probably for the best since I don't want to go to jail for beating a bunch of disrespectful teens half to death. I'm too pretty for jail. Or worse.. getting beat half to death by said disrespectful teenagers..
 Anyways my Sporty hasn't looked like this in months. I'll try to get a picture of its current state tomorrow and list what I've bolted on there.